We are ultra-experienced at providing the best, most intuitive software physically possible at a fair price and of high value to you. MacroLogic Inc. has been offering high quality software since 1994. In 1998 we expanded our family of products to include Electronic Patient Care Reporting (ePCR) systems. These systems follow the same design standards of reliability and value that are the foundation from which all MacroLogic products emerge. | |||||||
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MacroLogic offers a complete line of GETAC rugged laptop computers. As an authorized
distributor we can provide not only the most competitive... and fair price for a high value to you. Contact any of our sales staff.
Documentation is one of the most important functions performed by EMS personnel and the most time consuming task required. With this in mind we have developed the "CodeRed System." An extremely user-friendly data collection system that will quickly produce legible uniform patient care reports in the field. |
ePCR Solutions | EKG Rapid Infuser | SmartPhone ePCR | CodeRed EMS | MacroLogic | Faxwell Smart All Right Reserved © 2012 MacroLogic Inc. |